By Nicolas Sack / [Month DD, YYYY] / Reading time: [XX] min
Nowadays, it’s fair to say that almost every business, no matter their size, location, or industry – recognizes the importance of having a strong online presence. To achieve this, each and every business must have a fast and reliable internet connection as the first step. But beyond being connected - what is a good internet speed? And how do I know if my internet speed is good enough for my type of business? In this article, we’ll help you understand what we mean when we talk about internet speed, including how it is measured, and which are the optimal speeds for your business to thrive.
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What is internet speed?
In a nutshell, we can define internet speed as the amount of data that can be uploaded or downloaded in a second. Also known as bandwidth, the internet speed´s value of reference is megabytes per second (Mbps) or where fiber-fast Gigabit speeds are available, 1Gbps or beyond. To put it simply (because other factors can have an impact, such as the number of connected devices, or the interior space size or layout), a higher number of megabits per second translates into a faster internet speed.
How do we measure internet speed?
Now that we know the definition of internet speed, the next question to answer is how to measure it. Well, we can measure the bandwidth through download and upload speeds. These two indicators are crucial for every business owner before choosing an internet plan. Why? Because they tell us about the rate at which data is transferred from the internet to your computer, and vice versa.
In other words, the download speed is the amount of time it takes for your computer to receive information from the internet, while the upload speed is the amount of time it takes to send data from your computer to the internet.
What is a good internet speed for my business?
Now that we’re clear about the way to measure internet speeds, the next step is to understand how much internet speed I need for my business. Below you will find a simple chart that can show you the optimal download speeds for your business based on the number of connected devices and tasks to be performed.
Yes, it is crucial to rely on a fast and strong internet connection – so as a simple rule, the bigger the number, the more you can multi-task. However, each business has its own needs and requirements. Here at BTC Business, we know every local business is unique. That’s why we offer Internet plans with their own download and upload speeds to better suit the needs of each business. So, if you’re interested in getting the best internet plan for your business, feel free to contact us. We’ll be more than happy to provide the bandwidth necessary to make your business thrive!
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