By Nicolas Sack / [Month DD, YYYY] / Reading time: [XX] min
We recently partnered up with The Pivot Series, a show focused on showcasing the stories of women entrepreneurs from Barbados who have transformed their side hustles into full-time jobs and well-known business owners willing to expand their territories and shoot for the stars.
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This time The Pivot Series interviewed Aniya Emtage Lengaro, a former criminologist who managed to pivot her job, turn her side-hustle into a business and pursue a career in photography. In this fascinating interview we explored the intersection of her career and her personal life, the importance of navigating personal loss and financial uncertainty, the meaning of entrepreneurship, motherhood and self-discovery.
From criminologist to sought-after photographer, Aniya shared with us what she endured after going through her divorce and the consequences of being removed by her partner from all the accounts, leaving her with nothing. Because of this, she decided to leave her job as a criminologist to pursue photography full-time.
Aniya also revealed the challenges that she had to endure, such as diving into a new business and starting with no clients, going through depression while taking care of her daughters, and dealing with people telling her to not pursue her dreams and become a full-time photographer.
You can watch the whole interview here:
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